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Chief Judges Recognize More Than 5,000 Attorneys on Capital 公益性服务 Honor Roll


4月29日,D.C. Court of Appeals Chief Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby and D.C. Superior Court Chief Judge Anita Josey-Herring released the 第13届资本公益澳门赌场官网荣誉榜 , 认识到5,032 attorneys who completed 50 hours or more of pro bono service during the last calendar year. 在这些澳门赌场官网中, 56% (2),823) reported performing 100 hours or more of volunteer legal work in 2023, qualifying them for inclusion in the High Honor Roll.

D.C. 法院 said the Honor Roll demonstrates D.C. 酒吧 members’ strong dedication to pro bono service, especially as attorneys face ever-increasing pressures to bill more hours, 工作效率更高, 使用更少的资源. 此外,D.C. 法院感谢D.C. 酒吧公益中心和D.C. Access to Justice Commission for their partnership in sponsoring the Honor Roll.

Kelli Neptune, executive director of the D.C. 酒吧公益中心, also applauded the honorees’ outstanding and sustained commitment to pro bono service. “We hope this list of deserving individuals will inspire more to answer the call to service and help balance the scales of justice,海王星说.

在致获奖者的联名信中, the chief judges said they are “acutely aware of the significant obstacles faced by individuals with limited resources who all too frequently must represent themselves in proceedings, 通常反对有代表的政党. 我们对你的宝贵时间表示敬意, 人才, and expertise to ensure that those who cannot afford an attorney have meaningful access to justice.”

The Capital 公益性服务 Honor Roll also reflects a diverse cross-section of the D.C. 法律社会, 获奖者来自166家公司, 个人实践, 联邦和地方政府机构, 公司, 协会, 公共利益组织. Their service would not be possible without significant help from the District’s legal services community in screening and referring cases, 提供培训, and providing mentorship and support to attorneys handling pro bono matters.

“District of Columbia is fortunate to have a truly exemplary cadre of legal services organizations whose attorneys work every day to make access to justice a reality,首席法官们写道. “Yet there remains a significant gap between those who need legal services and those who the legal services community with their limited resources can help. The continued participation of pro bono counsel is simply indispensable to our civil justice system. It will take all of us, working together, to make equal access to justice a reality in the District.”


Sadina Montani


萨迪娜·蒙塔尼当选民主党候选人.C. 酒吧当选总统

萨迪娜·蒙塔尼,克罗威尔的合伙人 & Moring LLP, has been elected president-elect of the D.C. 2024-2025年任期. Montani will serve in that position for one year starting July 1 before becoming president in 2025. With Montani’s installation, incumbent President-Elect Shaun M. Snyder will become the 酒吧’s 53rd president.



Superior Court Chief Judge Candidates Lay Out Vision for 领导 and Service


D.C. Superior Court Associate Judges Marisa Demeo and Milton Lee, the two candidates applying for the chief judge position at the court, met with members of the bar and public in a virtual event on June 4 to discuss their backgrounds, 动机, 以及对领导力的看法. The two judges are seeking to fill the vacancy that will be created when Chief Judge Anita Josey-Herring steps down from the bench in September.



WBA Honors Ellen Jakovic With Woman Lawyer of the Year 奖


The Women’s 酒吧 Association of the District of Columbia (WBA) honored Ellen M. Jakovic D.C. 禁止前总统, with the 2024 Woman Lawyer of the Year 奖 at the WBA’s annual dinner on May 22.
